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Careers And Employability

At the City of Peterborough Academy, we believe that every student deserves the opportunity to explore and achieve their full potential, both academically and personally. We recognise that career planning and development is an essential aspect of our students' education and have therefore developed a comprehensive careers programme that provides students with the tools, resources, and support they need to make informed decisions about their future.

Community: Our careers programme at the City of Peterborough Academy aims to create a strong sense of community among our students, their families, and the wider community. We want to inspire and empower our students to become active citizens who make a positive impact in their local and global communities. We aim to achieve this by fostering a culture of volunteering, civic engagement, and social responsibility through various community outreach initiatives.

Opportunities: Our careers programme is designed to provide our students with a wide range of opportunities to explore and develop their skills, talents, and interests. We aim to provide students with access to a variety of career pathways, vocational training, and work experience opportunities to help them make informed decisions about their future careers. We will work with local businesses, employers, and industry experts to create meaningful and relevant experiences for our students.

Preparation: Our careers programme aims to equip our students with the necessary knowledge, skills, and tools to successfully transition into further education, training, or employment. We will provide students with personalised guidance and support through one-to-one meetings, workshops, and mentoring programmes. Our students will also have access to information and resources on CV writing, interview skills, and job search strategies to help them prepare for the world of work.

Academic Success: Our careers programme is designed to complement our academic curriculum by providing students with opportunities to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world contexts. We aim to enhance students' academic success by helping them understand how their education can lead to various career pathways and by providing them with the necessary support to achieve their academic and career goals.

Overall, our careers programme at the City of Peterborough Academy aims to create a supportive, inclusive, and inspiring learning environment that empowers our students to explore and achieve their full potential. We will work collaboratively with our students, their families, and the wider community to ensure that our careers programme is relevant, engaging, and impactful.