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City of Peterborough Academy

Key Stage 3- Science



The Key Stage 3 Science curriculum is based on the Ark Mastery Curriculum which aims to transform science education so that all students have the depth of knowledge and skills to be successful and to make a positive contribution to society. We believe these aims will help our students to:

  1. Be scientifically informed citizens so that they can apply their knowledge and understanding in order to be able to make informed decisions and function in an increasingly scientific and technological society.
  2. Have opportunities for further study.
  3. Have opportunities to develop skills, both practical and analytical.
  4. Have an “enquiring” mind.


To achieve this, we focus on the four key elements of great science education:

  1. an accurate factual and conceptual understanding
  2. meaningful development of maths, practical and enquiry skills
  3. development of scientific language, literacy and communication
  4. the application of learning to new scenarios and to solve problems.



• An academically ambitious curriculum, which will challenge students and provide a rich and empowering education for all

• A cumulative curriculum that builds upon learning, allowing pupils to make deep connections across the ‘big ideas’ of science. Within units and across the whole curriculum, knowledge and skills are positioned to build on what has come before.

• Designed to develop strong scientific literacy and correct use of terminology, to encourage students to think, act, analyse and perform in the ways that science experts do, in ways that transcend the requirements of terminal examinations.

• The curriculum is structured to help students to remember, not simply encounter, the core knowledge that they learn.



Key Stage 3 Science is taught using a variety of teaching methods and resources:

Practical activities and


Lesson slides which include a Do Now, New Learning, a Talk Task, a Check for Understanding, a selection of Activities and a diagnostic Exit Ticket

Question and answer sessions

Research and Problem solving

Discussion in groups

Student booklets with activities

Student facing resources, which include lesson worksheets, knowledge organisers and student glossaries

‘Scientist in the Spotlight and ‘Science in the News’ activities for students to link their science understanding to the wider world

‘What-If? activities, which provide an opportunity for extended writing and application to a novel context, and command word focused writing activities, which support students to develop their scientific writing

Skill-focused lessons which develop students’ practical and enquiry skills, with competency frameworks to support teachers

Maths in Science lessons which develop students’ mathematical skills, developed alongside Mathematics Mastery




Year 7 Content

Year 8 Content

Year 9 Content

B1.1 (Cells) C1.1 (Particles) P1.1 (Forces)

B1.2 (Reproduction) C1.2 (Atoms, Elements and Compounds) P1.2 (Space)

B1.3 (Interdependence) C1.3 (Mixtures) P1.3 (Energy Transfers)

P1.4 (Circuits) B2.1 (Tissues and Organs) C2.1 (Acids and Alkalis) P2.1 (Movement and Pressure)

B2.2 (Respiration and Photosynthesis) C2.2 (Changing Substances) P2.2 (Magnetism) B2.3 (Life Diversity)

B2.4 (Nutrition) C2.3 (Earth Systems) P2.3 (Electric Circuits: Resistance)

P2.4 (Light) B3.1 (Growth and Differentiation) C3.1 (The Periodic Table) P3.1 (Acceleration)

B3.2 (Human Interaction) C3.2 (Intro to Quantitative Chemistry) P3.2 (Heating)

B3.3 (Genetics) C3.3 (Human Resources) P3.3 (Sound and Waves)



  1. Pre-unit quizzes at the start of each unit, allowing teachers to identify gaps and diagnose misconceptions from preious learning
  2. Diagnostic mastery quizzes at the end of each unit addressing the key knowledge and skills, allowing teachers to diagnose misconceptions and gaps. These include a long answer section with guidance for formatie marking, as well as suggested fix-it activities to address gaps and
  3. misconceptions
  4. Termly diagnostic formatie assessments
  5. Annual summatie assessments


  1. All students study AQA GCSE Combined Science Trilogy in year 10. However, students who meet the selection criteria will be invited to join Separate Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics).



Mr F Mugova – Assistant Principal Science/Curriculum Leader