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Transition 2024

Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read this information and consider the City of Peterborough Academy as a prospective school for your child. 

I am extremely proud of my students, and the journey we have been on, particularly over the last two years. A lot of hard work has gone into the development of the school. Our improvement journey astounds me on a daily basis, and the positive, purposeful, and happy feel to our school makes me smile on the way to work every day.

A key element to our improvement journey has been the rapid improvement of our student outcomes, which are some of the most improved in the city. Students now make progress that is in line with their peers nationally, and they exceed targets in attainment and based on their ability upon entry in Year 7. This improvement ultimately means, that a significantly higher percentage of our students now leave us to progress onto their first-choice Post-16 destination. 

CoPA has always been, and will always be, a family. Students are safe and happy here. We can only achieve this via high quality pastoral care. I am so proud of the work that my pastoral team put into student development and care. We have also been recognised for our work in this area. We have held an Inclusion Quality Mark (IQM) Award at the Centre of Excellence Status for the last 2 years and this year, were nominated in the Most Inclusive Category for the National SEND Awards. 

I have extremely high expectations of my staff and my students. I want CoPA to be a true community school, and the school of choice for families in Peterborough. I believe these high expectations make CoPA a welcoming, warm and safe place for students to be and ultimately, achieve. 

Thank you again for considering CoPA

Kind Regards

Nicola Treacy





Admissions Form

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