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It is very important that our pupils attend school all the time so that they do not miss any vital learning.

Please click here to read our attendance policy.

A purple link to our full Academy attendance policy is at the bottom of this page, after the summary information below. You will also find there a link to the Department For Education document 'Working Together To Improve School Attendance'.

The City of Peterborough Academy, in line with government directives, will expect pupils to attend school for at least 95% of the time. This equates to half a day's absence every two weeks. If a pupil is absent for a whole day their attendance for that week drops to 80%.

The Academy is not obliged to authorise any absences due to family holidays.

Parents have a responsibility for ensuring their child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. The Academy expects that all parents communicate with them, either in writing or by telephone, giving a reason:

  1. In advance of any planned absence.

  2. Immediately following any unplanned absence.

  3. During any absence expected to last more than three days.

If you do wish us to consider a Planned Absence, please complete a Term Time Absence Request Form, available at the Academy reception. Please note though, that completion of this request does not imply that the absence will be authorised by the Academy.


Parents should contact the Academy, in confidence, whenever a problem occurs that may affect their child's attendance. Regular attendance means arriving on time for the start of the Academy day. It is the parent's responsibility to ensure their child gets to the Academy on time.

For attendance enquiries please contact Mrs F Parkinson on 01733 821440 or alternatively you can email us on

Parents of pupils who are regularly late will be contacted so we can work together to rectify the situation. Where no improvement is made, the Education Welfare Service will be informed.




Some absences which are considered avoidable will be left unauthorised by the City of Peterborough Academy. These include:

  • Looking after a sick relative
  • Minding the house or waiting for workmen/deliveries etc
  • Packing or getting ready for a holiday or trip or collecting relatives from the airport/station
  • Being on holiday
  • Looking after brothers and sisters, including dropping them off at the Academy or nursery
  • Helping with housework or family business
  • Being unhappy or not getting on with others at the Academy