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Code of Conduct

It is important that pupils and parents are fully aware of the City of Peterborough Academy's high expectations for pupil conduct. Below is the Code of Conduct for the Academy:

Pupils are expected to...

  • Respect all other people in our Community, regardless of race, culture, gender and religion
  • Behave in a quiet, polite and orderly manner
  • Follow the instructions (first time, every time) of all teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Knock at classroom doors before entering
  • Wear the full Academy uniform
  • Be punctual at the start of the day and for lessons
  • WALK on corridors and stairways on the LEFT following the one-way system
  • Line up for lessons calmly when required to
  • Leave lessons only when directed by a member of staff
  • Hand in all work on time
  • Have a pen, pencil, ruler and rubber every day
  • Have a bag in which to carry books and equipment
  • Look after Academy property
  • Be clean and tidy at all times
  • Work to the best of their ability during lessons
  • Bring in notes explaining absence from the Academy


Pupils must not...

  • Bring mobile phones, ipods or other electrical items to the Academy
  • Use bad language or swear anywhere on the Academy site
  • Wear make-up or more than one pair of gold-coloured ear-studs in each lobe
  • Smoke or vape in or near the Academy site
  • Write on desks, walls or the Academy fabric
  • Show intimidating behaviour - physically, verbally or otherwise
  • Leave classrooms without permission
  • Eat or drink during lessons
  • Run along the corridors or on the stairways
  • Interfere with other pupils' work either physically or verbally
  • Steal Academy property, or that of other pupils
  • Chew gum at any time
  • Access other pupils' files on the Academy's computer network