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Year 9

Year 9 is an important year where pupils make the transition from KS3 to KS4, they face a number of new challenges and different pressures, both academically and personally. The Year 9 team ensure that pupils develop the tools to manage this changing time and that they remain focused on their progress at the academy. During tutorial sessions Year 9 are focusing on the future; thinking about careers, money management, life skills and employability as well as revision and study skills. They are also learning about respecting themselves and others online and about building their self-esteem.

In Year 9 pupils make choices that will shape their future education. The Year 9 team is committed to ensuring that each pupil is prepared for the next stage of their education. To assist with this, all Year 9 pupils will have a careers guidance appointment at the beginning of the year and then a further interview when they choose their GCSE options.

Meet the Year 9 Team

Head of Year 9 - Mr A Hunneyball

Deputy Head of Year 9 - Mrs A Taylor


Year 9 Form Tutors

Miss C Plaice

Mr J Holland

Miss L Elliott

Ms A Baranauskiene

Mr S Snitkas

Mrs M Olkowska