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Year 8

Year 8 is a real opportunity for our pupils to shine. They have settled into life at CoPA and are now in a good position to flourish both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities whilst gaining further responsibilities.

The Year 8 team support and challenge our pupils to make rapid and sustained progress in all academic areas, as this will provide the foundations for future success in Key Stage 4.

During tutorial sessions Year 8 focus around PSHE in which the year team develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding on; rights and responsibilities, democracy, money management, health and lifestyle choices, sex education and religious education as well as continuing to develop and refine revision and study skills.

During this year, we encourage the pupils to make the most of the wide range of extra-curricular activities on offer and encourage our pupils to work towards and apply for leadership roles within the academy. In particular, we run a successful highly regarded Peer Mentors programme in which our pupils offer guidance to one another. Other leadership opportunities include Reading ambassadors, which involves supporting younger pupils as well as peers with their reading at CoPA. 

Meet the Year 8 Team

Head of Year 8 - Mr A Hunneyball

Deputy Head of Year 8 - Mrs A Taylor


Year 8 Form Tutors

Mr J Morris

Miss L Roughton

Mr A Alkavana

Mrs J Hilliard

Mrs E Gillespie-Beal

Miss S Alhadad