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Music- Key Stage 3


  • To promote learning and enjoyment through practical music making and a sensitive response to Music.
  • To provide experience of fulfilment by striving to reach high artistic and technical standards.



  • At Key Stage 3, students are taught in mixed ability classes.  Ensemble and compositional work features the use of a varied range of instruments, ie tuned and untuned percussion, string, woodwind, brass and drums. The use of music technology plays a large part of curriculum delivery with students in all year groups composing in Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) such as Sound Trap & Noteflight.
  • Students are encouraged to use their own instruments whenever appropriate in the music classroom.
  • In Year 9, students selected to take the music option, will have increased opportunity to access the Department’s Peripatetic Music Lessons.
  • KS4 curriculum offers OCR GCSE. Students are taught in option classes and work both in groups and alone.  They use their own instruments and have full access to the resources of the department.



  • At GCSE, pupils use materials and resources published by the exam board, supported by a wealth of text book and sheet music appropriate to individual needs. 
  • The department has large instrumental resources including fully-equipped keyboard, guitar and drum rooms, together with a range of tuned and untuned percussion.
  • Students benefit a large music specific classroom fitted with computers and keyboards to help develop ICT in music lessons.  This is achieved mostly through SoundTrap and Noteflight software.
  • We also have 3 specialist peripatetic music staff who teach individual and shared lessons to students on instruments of their choice.



  • The department follows the National Curriculum programme of study.
  • Performing and composing activities are fully integrated with listening and work related to learning about the theory of music. Students are encouraged to appraise their own work and music composed by others.
  • In Key Stage 3, topics are designed to enhance musical experience for all students reflecting the diverse culture of the school. Studying a variety of styles, genres and traditions adds to the quality of understanding displayed by students. Students are also given an opportunity to take this further by learning additional music in lunchtime or after school activities.



  • Throughout GCSE Music, students are encouraged to work to a more ambitious and refined level.  Independent practise and listening skills are expected at this level to develop understanding.


  • The department promotes the following activities: Concert Band, Jazz Band, Wind Ensemble, A Cappella Choir, String Group, Guitar Group and a Music Production Group. The department also works with other staff to put on a whole school musical each year.