Statistics- Key Stage 4
GCSE Statistics - Key Stage 4
What will students do in this subject?
You will follow a course matched to your ability. GCSE Statistics has a Foundation tier (grades 15) and a Higher tier (grades 4 - 9).
Skills required:
- Interpret statistical information and results in context and reason statistically to draw conclusions.
- Assess the appropriateness of statistical methodologies and the conclusions drawn through application of the statistical enquiry cycle.
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of statistical techniques to collect and represent information and calculate summary statistics and probabilities.
GCSE Statistics is assessed through two written examination papers at either foundation or higher tier. Each paper lasts 1 hour 30 minutes and are calculator papers. The results will be graded under the new 1 - 9 system.
What is Statistics?
The collection of data
- Planning hypothesis, potential constraints and strategies to overcome these.
- Different types of data and their advantages and disadvantages.
- Populations and samples, how to select these and their key features.
- Methods of data collection and their advantages and disadvantages.
Processing, representing and analysing data
- Create, interpret and compare pictorial representations of data.
- Justify appropriate formats and visualisation with regards to the nature of the data.
- Calculate measures of dispersion and skewness.
- Calculate estimates of probability.
- Compare experimental probability with theoretical predictions.
- Calculate and interpret relative risk.
Further Education
GCSE Statistics is important for anyone considering further education in the following subjects due to the requirement to handle and interpret statistical data: Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, Psychology, Geography and Business Studies.
What might the subject lead into?
Popular careers for people with Statistics qualifications include: epidemiologist, public affairs manager, biostatistician, research psychologist, marketing and many more involving handling statistics.