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Geography- Key Stage 4

GCSE Geography - Key Stage 4

What will students do in this subject?

Pupils will study a broad curriculum whilst developing the ability to think "like a geographer". Students will develop skills to conduct enquiries in the classroom and in the 'field' in order to develop their understanding of specialised geographical concepts and current geographical issues. These include rivers, coasts, tectonic hazards, weather, climate,  ecosystems, development and rural to urban links. 

Students will also have the opportunity to take part in a fieldwork investigation that will also form part of their examinations. 

Pupils will take part in 3 examinations for GCSE geography 

Why Geography?

Geography at GCSE can lead to many different areas, both in terms of further education and career options. Further Education A Geography GCSE is important for anyone considering further education in the following subjects: 

- Geography 
- Environmental Studies 
- Economics 
- Sociology 
- Anthropology 
- Earth Sciences 
- Politics 
- Government 

Any other relevant information? 
Geography is a broad based academic subject which will open up options for you in your future. Employers and universities see geography as a robust academic subject rich in skills, knowledge and understanding. As a subject linking the arts and the sciences it is highly flexible in terms of what you can combine it with, at GCSE level and beyond. If you choose to take Geography on to university there are literally hundreds of courses to choose from and the range of career areas accessed by graduates of geography will probably surprise you as mentioned some of the ones above. 

What might the subject lead into?

Popular careers for people with geography qualifications include: town or transport planning, surveying, conservation, sustainability, waste and water management, environmental planning, tourism, and weather forecasting. 

The army, police, government, research organisations, law and business world also love the practical research skills that geographers develop. Because geographers learn about human and population development, Geography can be useful for jobs in charity and international relations too.