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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

At the City of Peterborough Academy, we believe that all students deserve a broad, balanced and enriching curriculum that is ambitious to the success of everyone, including those with special educational needs and disabilities. To achieve this success, many students will require some additional support and guidance at some point in their school career, and some students will need ongoing adaptations, targeted support and provision. We aim to work closely with primary schools to ensure that we have a thorough understanding of the individual needs of our students when they start with us, so we can ensure they have a successful transition, as this a daunting time for many students. 

We strongly believe that SEND is everybody's business and that all teachers are teachers of SEND. This means that we not only support students in accessing learning, but we also support all staff in delivering high quality education.

The SEND Team is led by our Special Educational Needs Coordinator and Senior Assistant Principal, Mr J Treliving, who can be contacted on:
To contact a member of the SEND team, please email:

You can find the trust-wide SEND policy

Details of the local SEND offer can be found here.

Our accessibility plan for ensuring access to all pupils:
CPA - City Of Peterborough Academy, 220224 Accessibility Plan

Please see below our most recent SEN information report.